Demande de subvention de la FECRIS 2020
Tout d’abord, nous remercions le Premier ministre pour son soutien en 2020, il nous a permis...
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par admincaplc | Août 14, 2022 | FECRIS Documentations | 0
Tout d’abord, nous remercions le Premier ministre pour son soutien en 2020, il nous a permis...
En savoir pluspar admincaplc | Sep 20, 2021 | Budget FECRIS | 0
Le colloque de la FECRIS 2020 a été entièrement financé par le 1er Ministre Français. FECRIS Bilan...
En savoir pluspar admincaplc | Jan 30, 2021 | Behind the FECRIS | 0
The European Federation of Centers of Research and Information on Sectarianism (FECRIS) has 3...
En savoir pluspar admincaplc | Jan 30, 2021 | Behind the FECRIS | 0
FECRIS (Federation of Centres of Research and Information on Cults and Sects) Is Almost Entirely Financed by the French State : GONGO or NGO
En savoir pluspar admincaplc | Jan 26, 2021 | Behind the FECRIS | 0
“Audi 200 Quattros and caviar on cornflakes” – the right motivation for kidnapping a member of a religious minority?
This is an actual statement made a number of years ago from a convicted UK deprogrammer in anticipation of making money from kidnapping and false imprisonment (see below). The person was an executive board member of FAIR, which subsequently became one of the groups to found FECRIS. Whilst the person who made this statement emigrated to Australia after his conviction, FAIR has never denounced his activities.
En savoir pluspar admincaplc | Juin 7, 2020 | FECRIS Documentations | 0
Ordinary Anti-cultism Sergey Ivanenko
En savoir pluspar admincaplc | Juin 7, 2020 | FECRIS Documentations | 0
En savoir pluspar admincaplc | Juin 6, 2020 | Behind the FECRIS | 0
FECRIS (Federation of Centres of Research and Information on Cults and Sects) Is Almost
Entirely Financed by the French State : GONGO or NGO
par admincaplc | Juin 5, 2020 | Behind the FECRIS | 0
Behind the FECRIS
En savoir pluspar admincaplc | Mai 19, 2020 | Budget FECRIS | 0
financement de la fecris par le 1er ministre
En savoir pluspar admincaplc | Mai 16, 2020 | CAFFES | 0
CAFFES Budget et bilan 2018 et 2019
En savoir pluspar admincaplc | Mar 9, 2020 | FECRIS Members | 0
Alexander Dvorkin has conducted an energetic campaign aimed at suppressing the freedom of...
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